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Awoke I 1
Originated in Hildórien, but spread throughout Middle-earth
Other names
The Afterborn, The Aftercomers, Atani, Big Folk, Big People, The Children of the Sun, Engwar, Fírimar, The Followers, The Heavy-handed, Hildor, The Inscrutable, Men, The Mortals, The Night-fearers, The Second People, The Secondborn, The Self-cursed, The Strangers, The Usurpers, The Younger Children of Ilúvatar
ApanónarThe AfterbornWhile in Aman, the Noldor learned of the foretold coming of Men, a race that were accounted Children of Ilúvatar like themselves, but would have a different fate. At that time, even before the first Men had awakened in the world, the Noldor began to devise names for them. As the Elves were the Firstborn Children of Ilúvatar (the Minnónar, as they called themselves) so one of the titles of Men that they devised was 'Afterborn', or Apanónar in the Quenya tongue. By the time the Noldor eventually encountered Men for the first time in Beleriand centuries later, the name Apanónar had become part of ancient lore and was rarely used in daily speech. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2008, 2014. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Choose which of the great value Discus business packages is best for you... |