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Captain of the Host of the WestCommander of the forces opposed to Sauron
A title given to Aragorn as the leader of the armies that rode from Minas Tirith to challenge Sauron at the Black Gate of Mordor during the final stages of the War of the Ring. Such a force marching against the Dark Lord had historically been known as the Host of the West. Earlier Hosts were mighty armies that overwhelmed their opponents, but Aragorn's Host was paltry by comparison with the forces at Sauron's command. Nonetheless the Captain of the Host of the West succeeded in distracting Sauron sufficiently for the Ring-bearer to achieve his quest and destroy the One Ring. The full title 'Captain of the Host of the West' is only used of Aragorn, but as there were earlier Hosts in history, in principle they also had Captains of their own. The Host that marched against Morgoth to end the First Age was captained by the Maia Eönwë, herald of Manwë, while the Host that avenged fallen Arnor earlier in the Third Age was led by the general (and later King) Eärnur of Gondor. Indexes: About this entry:
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