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Dragon-shooterA title of Bard the BowmanA title given to the grim soldier of Esgaroth known as Bard. With his last arrow, the Black Arrow forged in the smithies of Erebor, Bard found the weak point of the Dragon Smaug, and slew him. Bard was thought to have been lost in the fiery destruction that followed, but he had survived by leaping into the waters of the Long Lake. Bard was a descendant of the royal line of Girion, and when it was seen that he had escaped the wreck of the Dragon's demise, the Lake-men rejected the Master of the town and called for Bard the Dragon-shooter to become their leader. Ultimately, Bard became Lord of Dale, and gave rise to a line of descendants known as the Bardings. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2007. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Job Matching at a glance: instantly identify key personality strengths and needs for any role. |