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The Dúnedain came into existence with the founding of Númenor in II 32; survived into the Fourth Age
Originally Númenóreans; in Middle-earth, this people became divided into the Men of Arnor (the Northern Dúnedain) and the Men of Gondor
Ruled by the House of Elros; in Middle-earth the Kings came from the House of Elendil (and the later Stewards of Gondor from the House of Húrin)
Numerous; the capital of the Dúnedain in Númenor was Armenelos; in the North-kingdom, Annúminas (and later Fornost); in the South-kingdom, Osgiliath (and later Minas Tirith)
Other names
Title of
In principle, any of the Númenóreans or their descendants, though the title is specifically recorded as being given to Aragorn, a descendant of Isildur
DúnadanA title for the Númenóreans or their descendantsThe singular form of Dúnedain, meaning 'Man of the West'. A title applied to Aragorn in Rivendell. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2001, 2015, 2019. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.We have been developing and providing DISC psychometric reports for 31 years! Find out more about us at Discus Online. |