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Indexes: About this entry:
Eglantine BanksThe mother of Peregrin TookA Hobbit of the Shire, Eglantine's background is almost entirely unknown. It is possible that she had connections with Bree (the only other Banks we know of, Willie Banks, was a Bree-hobbit) but this is far from certain. She married Paladin Took (who would later become Thain Paladin II of the Shire); together they had three daughters (Pearl, Pimpernel and Pervinca) and a son, Peregrin. This was the same Peregrin Took who would set out from the Shire with Frodo Baggins, and inherit the Thainship himself after the War of the Ring. Notes
See also...Banks Family, Eglantine, Paladin Took II, Pearl Took, Pervinca Took, Pimpernel Took, Roses, Willie Banks Indexes: About this entry:
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