The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Originated during the Years of the Trees1
First devised by Rúmil, and later greatly developed by Fëanor
Created by Elves, but also widely used by other peoples
Created by the Noldor
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 October 2012
  • This entry is complete


The writing of the Elves

"I thought I knew the elf-letters, but I cannot read these."
Words of Frodo Baggins
The Fellowship of the Ring II 4
A Journey in the Dark
Tengwar of Rúmil
Fëanorian Tengwar

Rúmil of Tirion was the first to invent letters, or Tengwar, that could be written with a pen, but the later Fëanorian system became much more widespread. Fëanor's Tengwar were largely of his own invention, but were inspired, at least to some extent, by Rúmil's work.

A phonetic writing system used by the Elves, properly known as the Tengwar. They were invented by Rúmil of Tirion, and later greatly developed by Fëanor. The 'letters' did not in principle have fixed meanings, but rather most described phonetic interconnections within speech. Other variations also appeared: for example, some systems used 'accents' (tehtar) to mark vowels, while others included full letters. These variations explain why Frodo, who could read the normal elf-letters of his own time, was unable to interpret those written on the West-gate of Moria some five thousand years earlier.



See the entry for Tengwar (note 1) for discussion of the precise dating of the Elf-letters.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 October 2012
  • This entry is complete

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The writing of the Elves

Originated during the Years of the Trees1
First devised by Rúmil, and later greatly developed by Fëanor
Created by Elves, but also widely used by other peoples
Created by the Noldor
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 October 2012
  • This entry is complete


The writing of the Elves

"I thought I knew the elf-letters, but I cannot read these."
Words of Frodo Baggins
The Fellowship of the Ring II 4
A Journey in the Dark
Tengwar of Rúmil
Fëanorian Tengwar

Rúmil of Tirion was the first to invent letters, or Tengwar, that could be written with a pen, but the later Fëanorian system became much more widespread. Fëanor's Tengwar were largely of his own invention, but were inspired, at least to some extent, by Rúmil's work.

Rúmil of Tirion was the first to invent letters, or Tengwar, that could be written with a pen, but the later Fëanorian system became much more widespread. Fëanor's Tengwar were largely of his own invention, but were inspired, at least to some extent, by Rúmil's work.

A phonetic writing system used by the Elves, properly known as the Tengwar. They were invented by Rúmil of Tirion, and later greatly developed by Fëanor. The 'letters' did not in principle have fixed meanings, but rather most described phonetic interconnections within speech. Other variations also appeared: for example, some systems used 'accents' (tehtar) to mark vowels, while others included full letters. These variations explain why Frodo, who could read the normal elf-letters of his own time, was unable to interpret those written on the West-gate of Moria some five thousand years earlier.



See the entry for Tengwar (note 1) for discussion of the precise dating of the Elf-letters.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 October 2012
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2010, 2012. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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Discus' intelligent text reporting helps you to explore a DISC profile from every angle.