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The Ents dated back far into the First Age, and so presumably Ent-houses of some kind existed in the ancient past
The only named Ent-house was that of Treebeard at Wellinghall, but others were known to exist within Fangorn Forest
Each Ent-house had its own water source; at Wellinghall this was a spring that fed the river Entwash
The homes of the Ents, which seem to have been as varied in nature as the Ents themselves. Some were relatively large and complex, while others were quite basic in nature. Treebeard maintained several Ent-houses in Fangorn Forest, with the one at Wellinghall including a tree-lined courtyard, furnishings of different kinds, and a rocky bay with a curtain of falling water. Other Ent-houses were rather less ornate: that of Bregalad, for example, consisted of nothing more than a flat stone surrounded by rowan-trees. One thing that all Ent-houses had in common was a source of fresh water, from which the Ents made the Ent-draughts that were their only sustenance. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2004, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Find the best personality matches for any role in seconds with Discus' Candidate Match feature. |