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Known to have been extant before the Dagor Bragollach in I 455; last recorded at Nargothrond before its fall in I 4951
As one of Angrod's people, Gelmir would originally have dwelt in Dorthonion, but after the Dagor Bragollach he settled with Círdan in the south, probably on the Isle of Balar
There were two known Elves named Gelmir active during the First Age; this Elf is not to be confused with another member of the Noldor, the elder brother of Gwindor who was slain in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad, and was also named Gelmir
GelmirThe companion of ArminasA Noldorin Elf, originally of Angrod's people. After the Dagor Bragollach, he wandered into the southern regions of Beleriand, and settled with the people of Círdan the Shipwright. He was later sent by Círdan, with his companion Arminas, as a messenger to Nargothrond. Notes
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