The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Carcharoth consumed a Silmaril early in I 466, and was slain in the Hunting of the Wolf later in the same year
Carcharoth took the Silmaril before the Gate of Angband, and fled into the south to be caught on the course of the river Esgalduin
The burning of the hallowed Silmaril within the Wolf Carcharoth
Carcharoth was originally set to guard Angband
Other names
Anfauglir; a name given to the Wolf more commonly called Carcharoth, the Red Maw


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2019
  • This entry is complete

Jaws of Thirst

Carcharoth after he consumed a Silmaril

Carcharoth was a great wolf raised by Morgoth to guard the Doors of Angband, but when Beren and Lúthien approached the stronghold of the Dark Lord, Lúthien sent the Wolf into a deep enchanted sleep. Thus the two were able to steal into Angband and recover one of the Silmarils from Morgoth's Iron Crown, but returning through the Doors they found Carcharoth once again awake. Lúthien no longer had the strength to cast the Wolf into sleep, and so Beren attempted to daunt him with the holy Jewel.

Beren's gamble failed: Carcharoth bit off his hand at the wrist, swallowing it along with the Silmaril it held. Long ago Varda had hallowed the Jewels to consume evil flesh with burning fire, and so the great Wolf was filled with tormenting pain. Maddened with agony he fled from Angband, and from this time he was known by the Elvish name Anfauglir, translated as the 'Jaws of Thirst'. He made as way as far south as Doriath, leaving a trail of destruction as he sought to quench the burning of the Silmaril. When he reached a fall on the river Esgalduin he drank deeply, and there he was found by a band of hunters. These were led by King Thingol, who had set out on the Hunting of the Wolf when Beren and Lúthien had returned and told their story. The hunters succeeded in defeating the Jaws of Thirst by the river, but Beren too lost his life in that battle.

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About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2019
  • This entry is complete

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Jaws of Thirst

Carcharoth after he consumed a Silmaril

Carcharoth consumed a Silmaril early in I 466, and was slain in the Hunting of the Wolf later in the same year
Carcharoth took the Silmaril before the Gate of Angband, and fled into the south to be caught on the course of the river Esgalduin
The burning of the hallowed Silmaril within the Wolf Carcharoth
Carcharoth was originally set to guard Angband
Other names
Anfauglir; a name given to the Wolf more commonly called Carcharoth, the Red Maw


About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2019
  • This entry is complete

Jaws of Thirst

Carcharoth after he consumed a Silmaril

Carcharoth was a great wolf raised by Morgoth to guard the Doors of Angband, but when Beren and Lúthien approached the stronghold of the Dark Lord, Lúthien sent the Wolf into a deep enchanted sleep. Thus the two were able to steal into Angband and recover one of the Silmarils from Morgoth's Iron Crown, but returning through the Doors they found Carcharoth once again awake. Lúthien no longer had the strength to cast the Wolf into sleep, and so Beren attempted to daunt him with the holy Jewel.

Beren's gamble failed: Carcharoth bit off his hand at the wrist, swallowing it along with the Silmaril it held. Long ago Varda had hallowed the Jewels to consume evil flesh with burning fire, and so the great Wolf was filled with tormenting pain. Maddened with agony he fled from Angband, and from this time he was known by the Elvish name Anfauglir, translated as the 'Jaws of Thirst'. He made as way as far south as Doriath, leaving a trail of destruction as he sought to quench the burning of the Silmaril. When he reached a fall on the river Esgalduin he drank deeply, and there he was found by a band of hunters. These were led by King Thingol, who had set out on the Hunting of the Wolf when Beren and Lúthien had returned and told their story. The hunters succeeded in defeating the Jaws of Thirst by the river, but Beren too lost his life in that battle.

See also...



About this entry:

  • Updated 20 August 2019
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2017, 2019. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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