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KhazâdThe race of DwarvesThe name used by the Dwarves for their own kind in their own private language, Khuzdul. It derived from the word khuzd, meaning 'a Dwarf', transformed into a plural form. The name 'Khazâd' was not widely used by races other than the Dwarves themselves; to the Elves they were most commonly known as the Naugrim, while Men had their own name for this people, rendered using the English word 'Dwarves'. Though the Dwarves considered their native Khuzdul tongue a secret matter, not to be shared with outsiders, the name Khazâd at least was not a secret. Indeed it was proudly used in the name of the greatest of their mansions: Khazad-dûm in the Misty Mountains, later known as Moria. The name also became well known through the battle-cry of the Dwarves, 'Baruk Khazâd! Khazâd ai-mênu!', meaning 'Axes of the Dwarves! The Dwarves are upon you!'1 Notes
See also...Dwarf-tongue, Hadhodrond, Khuzdul, Mansion of the Khazâd, Stunted People For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2009, 2015. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by myDISCprofile, the free online personality test.Explore the benefits of using a personality profile to discover yourself and make the most of your career. |