The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
The events described in the lay took place in III 1981, so the lay itself must have been composed after that date
Describes a journey south from Lórien to Edhellond
Nimrodel is pronounced 'ni'mrodel'
Nimrodel means 'lady of the white cave'
Other names
Legolas' 'Song of Nimrodel' appears to be a variant


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 October 2015
  • This entry is complete

Lay of Nimrodel

The poetic tale of a maiden of Lórien

A song of Lórien and the Vales of Anduin, recounting the tragic tale of the Elf-maiden Nimrodel and Amroth the King of Lórien. Nimrodel dwelt beside the river that shared her name, but with the awakening of the Balrog in Moria, many of the people of Lórien chose to flee into the West. Among these were Nimrodel and Amroth, but on the journey to the southern haven of Edhellond, Nimrodel became lost in the mountains. The ship carrying Amroth set sail from the haven, but he could not bear to be parted from Nimrodel. He leapt from the vessel into the Sea, and was lost.

We have a short poem that briefly describes the tale of Nimrodel (sung by Legolas in The Fellowship of the Ring II 6, Lothlórien), but this does not appear to be the true Lay of Nimrodel. Legolas says that this short poem is a small part of a longer work, translated from the Elvish. So, this 'Song of Nimrodel' (as it is titled in the Index of Songs and Verses) appears to be based only loosely on the full Elvish Lay of Nimrodel.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 October 2015
  • This entry is complete

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Lay of Nimrodel

The poetic tale of a maiden of Lórien

The events described in the lay took place in III 1981, so the lay itself must have been composed after that date
Describes a journey south from Lórien to Edhellond
Nimrodel is pronounced 'ni'mrodel'
Nimrodel means 'lady of the white cave'
Other names
Legolas' 'Song of Nimrodel' appears to be a variant


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 October 2015
  • This entry is complete

Lay of Nimrodel

The poetic tale of a maiden of Lórien

A song of Lórien and the Vales of Anduin, recounting the tragic tale of the Elf-maiden Nimrodel and Amroth the King of Lórien. Nimrodel dwelt beside the river that shared her name, but with the awakening of the Balrog in Moria, many of the people of Lórien chose to flee into the West. Among these were Nimrodel and Amroth, but on the journey to the southern haven of Edhellond, Nimrodel became lost in the mountains. The ship carrying Amroth set sail from the haven, but he could not bear to be parted from Nimrodel. He leapt from the vessel into the Sea, and was lost.

We have a short poem that briefly describes the tale of Nimrodel (sung by Legolas in The Fellowship of the Ring II 6, Lothlórien), but this does not appear to be the true Lay of Nimrodel. Legolas says that this short poem is a small part of a longer work, translated from the Elvish. So, this 'Song of Nimrodel' (as it is titled in the Index of Songs and Verses) appears to be based only loosely on the full Elvish Lay of Nimrodel.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 October 2015
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2015. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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