The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Forged by Sauron in the fires of Orodruin
Created by one of the Ainur, but later borne by Men, Hobbits and others
The Ring-maker Sauron was one of the Maiar, originally of Aulë's people
The Master-ring was make to rule the wills of those holding lesser Rings of Power
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 October 2024
  • This entry is complete


Sauron’s Ruling Ring

"This is the Master-ring, the One Ring to rule them all."
Words of Gandalf
The Fellowship of the Ring I 2
The Shadow of the Past

A name for the One Ring, devised and made by the Dark Lord Sauron to dominate and rule the wills of those who bore lesser Rings of Power. It formed part of a centuries-long plan by the Dark Lord to gain mastery over the Elves in Middle-earth. Disguising himself as the wise teacher Annatar, Sauron had taught the art of Ring-making to the smiths of Eregion. While the Elves used this knowledge to make many such Rings, Sauron put forth his power into a single all-powerful Ring that would act as a Master-ring over the holders of all the others.

Sauron's plan was foiled when the smith Celebrimbor created the Three Rings free of the Dark Lord's influence, so that when Sauron first wielded the Master-ring, the Elves became aware of his plans and escaped his influence. Nonetheless, the Master-ring retained its power over the lesser Rings, and even the Three Rings, and Sauron was able to use this power after he invaded Eregion and recovered many of the other Rings of Power. He gave nine of these Rings to Men, making their bearers into his undying and unquestioning servants, the Ringwraiths or Nazgûl.

Despite the power of the Ring, Sauron was defeated in the War of the Last Alliance at the end of the Second Age, and the Master-ring was taken by Isildur. Soon afterward, however, Isildur lost the Ring in the waters of Anduin, and it remained hidden for much of the Third Age. Through a series of strange events, it was eventually found by the Hobbit Bilbo Baggins, and passed on to his heir Frodo. These Hobbits did not recognise the nature of the Master-ring, but the Wizard Gandalf was able to discover it. Thus began the desperate Quest of Mount Doom, through which the Master-ring was returned to the place of its forging and destroyed. With the destruction of the Ring, a great part of the Dark Lord's native power was eliminated, and the War of the Ring ended in his defeat.


About this entry:

  • Updated 12 October 2024
  • This entry is complete

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