The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Associated with Longbottom in the Southfarthing of the Shire, but travelled at least as far as Bree
Toby is a contraction of the given name Tobold (from Theobold meaning 'brave people')
Title of
This nickname was also given to a variety of pipe-weed, for which see the entry for Old Toby


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2022
  • This entry is complete

Old Toby

The nickname of Tobold Hornblower

A nickname given, at least in later life, to the Hobbit Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom in the Southfarthing. In his younger days, it seems, Tobold had travelled as far from the Shire as Bree, where he discovered the pipe-weed plant growing on the slopes of the Bree-hill. At least, this is the most likely account of his finding of pipe-weed, though Old Toby himself would never reveal the details.

However he came by the plant, Tobold brought it back to the Southfarthing, where it grew well in the warm conditions in that part of the Shire. The Hobbits began to cultivate pipe-weed across the Southfarthing, though the leaf from the lands around Old Toby's home at Longbottom was considered superior to all others. Several varieties from this district were known, among which one of the best was named for the plant's discoverer: the pipe-weed known as 'Old Toby' after Tobold Hornblower was still being smoked in the Shire more than three centuries after Tobold's own time.

See also...

Old Toby, Pipe-weed


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2022
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Old Toby

The nickname of Tobold Hornblower

Associated with Longbottom in the Southfarthing of the Shire, but travelled at least as far as Bree
Toby is a contraction of the given name Tobold (from Theobold meaning 'brave people')
Title of
This nickname was also given to a variety of pipe-weed, for which see the entry for Old Toby


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2022
  • This entry is complete

Old Toby

The nickname of Tobold Hornblower

A nickname given, at least in later life, to the Hobbit Tobold Hornblower of Longbottom in the Southfarthing. In his younger days, it seems, Tobold had travelled as far from the Shire as Bree, where he discovered the pipe-weed plant growing on the slopes of the Bree-hill. At least, this is the most likely account of his finding of pipe-weed, though Old Toby himself would never reveal the details.

However he came by the plant, Tobold brought it back to the Southfarthing, where it grew well in the warm conditions in that part of the Shire. The Hobbits began to cultivate pipe-weed across the Southfarthing, though the leaf from the lands around Old Toby's home at Longbottom was considered superior to all others. Several varieties from this district were known, among which one of the best was named for the plant's discoverer: the pipe-weed known as 'Old Toby' after Tobold Hornblower was still being smoked in the Shire more than three centuries after Tobold's own time.

See also...

Old Toby, Pipe-weed


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 November 2022
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2002, 2018, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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