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Born III 2902 (1302 by the Shire-Reckoning); apparently died in or before before III 30011 (S.R. 1401)
po'sko ba'ggins
Indexes: About this entry:
Posco BagginsA distant relative of Bilbo BagginsThe son of Polo Baggins, Posco married Gilly Brownlock, and together they had three children. The first was named after Posco's grandfather Ponto, while the second and third were named Porto and Peony. Posco was born in the Shire-year 1302, and though he may well have lived into his old age, he apparently didn't survive until Bilbo's Farewell Party ninety-nine years later. We know that his wife Gilly was present at that Party, but Posco was not. As a Baggins, Posco was related to both Bilbo and Frodo, but only very distantly. His closest ancestor in common with Bilbo was his great-grandfather Balbo Baggins, who was also Bilbo's great-grandfather through a different line of descent. Notes
See also...Baggins Family, Brownlock Family, Gilly Brownlock, Peony Baggins , Polo Baggins, Ponto Baggins, Porto Baggins Indexes: About this entry:
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