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Died I 456
Perhaps descended from the horses of Valinor (see text for a discussion on this point)
Probably stabled at Barad Eithel1
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RochallorThe steed of FingolfinThe great horse of High King Fingolfin. We know almost nothing for sure about Rochallor, other than the fact that Fingolfin rode the horse across the desert of Anfauglith after the Dagor Bragollach to the Doors of Angband, where in final despair he challenged Morgoth to single combat. We have a little more information in The Grey Annals (in volume XI of The History of Middle-earth) where we're told that Rochallor remained beside Fingolfin until his final defeat. Afterwards the steed was attacked by Morgoth's wolves and fled from the battlefield into the land of Hithlum, and there died. We do not know the origins of Rochallor, but we are told that after the Return of the Noldor centuries earlier, Maedhros had given Fingolfin horses out of Valinor, and that many of the later steeds of Fingolfin's people were bred from these. The High King would surely have ridden such a horse, and so it is reasonable to trace Rochallor's line back to sires out of the West, perhaps even those of Oromë himself. (This story indeed may hold the seed of the legend later told in Rohan, that the mearas had descended from the great horses of Oromë.) Notes
See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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