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III 2902 - III 3008 (S.R. 1302 - 1408, lived 106 years); Master of Buckland for 45 years from III 2963 (S.R. 1363)
Brandy Hall above Bucklebury
ro'rimac bra'ndybuck
Uncertain, though (especially given the nickname Old Rory) possibly inspired by Irish Rory, 'red king'; the -mac ending is obscure
Other names
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Rorimac ‘Goldfather’ BrandybuckMaster of Buckland at the time of Bilbo's Birthday PartyThe son of Gorbadoc Brandybuck, who inherited the title of Master of Buckland from his father. He was present at Bilbo's famous Birthday Party, and indeed was noted as being the first to suspect that Bilbo's disappearance at that party meant that 'Mad Baggins' had gone off on another adventure. He was nearly a hundred years old at that time (being commonly known as 'Old Rory'), and he lived for another seven years. The title 'Master of Buckland' passed on to his elder son Saradoc, and in time to his grandson Meriadoc of the Company of the Ring. See also...Amaranth Brandybuck, Berilac Brandybuck, Brandybuck Family, Dinodas Brandybuck, Dodinas Brandybuck, Esmeralda Took, Goldfather, Goold Family, Gorbulas Brandybuck, Master of Buckland, Menegilda Goold, Merimac Brandybuck, Mirabella Took, Old Rory Brandybuck, Old Winyards, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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