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Built I 534 or shortly beforehand;1 landed in Aman I 542, and continues to sail the sky bearing the Star of Eärendil
Other names
RothinzilThe ship of EärendilThe Adûnaic name for Vingilot, the ship in which Eärendil sailed to Valinor, and in which he later sailed the pathways of the sky. By extension, it was also used by the Númenóreans to refer to the brilliant Star of Eärendil in the sky, as in the reference above. The name Rothinzil is an exact translation of the Elvish Vingilot, with both words meaning 'Foam-flower'. The Adûnaic word inzil, 'flower', is seen in various other names besides this one, include Inziladûn and Inzilbêth. Notes
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