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Probably I 4951
Nargothrond was ruled by descendants of the House of Finarfin
Nargothond is pronounced 'narrgo'thrond' (where rr emphasises that the 'r' sound should be distinctly pronounced)
Nargothrond means 'underground fortress on the river Narog'
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Sack of NargothrondThe destruction of the halls on the NarogSince its foundation by Finrod, the Elves of Nargothrond had pursued a secretive war against Morgoth, hunting their enemies by stealth and ambush rather than going to open war. When Túrin was led there by Gwindor, though, he counselled a different strategy to Orodreth, who had by that time succeeded his brother Finrod as King in Nargothrond. Orodreth therefore built a bridge from his doors across the Narog, and went to open war with Morgoth. This was a foolhardy strategy. In centuries of searching, Morgoth had been unable to find the fortress of Nargothrond, but now not only was its location revealed, but the new bridge removed the defence of the River Narog. Glaurung was sent out from Angband with an army of Orcs to capture the city. The army of Nargothrond went out to meet Glaurung on the field of Tumhalad, some miles north of the citadel. They were routed, and those Elves left in the city awaiting their return, instead found the Dragon and his Orcs crossing their bridge and entering the citadel. These people, including Orodreth's daughter Finduilas, were captured by the Orcs and driven northward. Coming late to the sack were Túrin and some few other survivors of the Battle of Tumhalad. At the sight of the Dragon, Túrin's companions fled, but Túrin himself was placed under Glaurung's Dragon-spell, and forced to watch as the captives were driven away. Then Glaurung released Túrin, knowing the evils this would cause. Driving out the remaining Orcs from Nargothrond, Glaurung gathered its treasures together and lay upon them in the halls of his newly-sacked domain. Notes
See also...Amon Ethir, Battle of Tumhalad, Beautiful Mere, Black Sword of Nargothrond, Children of Húrin, Doors of Felagund, Doors of Nargothrond, Dragon-King, Dragonhead of the North, Elu Thingol, Fell Winter of the First Age, Finduilas, Hill of Spies, King of Nargothrond, Lady of Dor-lómin, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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