The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Sancho is pronounced 'sa'ncho'


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 October 2023
  • This entry is complete

Sancho Proudfoot

Odo Proudfoot’s grandson

The son of Olo Proudfoot, and grandson of Odo, Sancho was distantly related to Bilbo Baggins: his great-grandmother Linda was one of Bilbo's aunts. At the time of Bilbo's Farewell Party, Sancho was just eleven years old. He was one of the many Hobbits that arrived at Bag End on the day after the Party, where he went searching for Bilbo's fabled gold. In one of Bag End's pantries, he found what he thought was an echo in one of the walls, and had actually started to excavate when Frodo discovered him and put a stop to his treasure-hunt.



Sancho is, of course, a real name, deriving ultimately from the Latin for 'sacred' (perhaps most famously belonging to Sancho Panza, the faithful and long-suffering companion of Don Quixote). That derivation does not seem to fit a Hobbit of the Shire particularly well, and so Sancho's name was perhaps chosen simply because it fit the pattern of his ancestors Olo, Odo, Bodo and so on. Indeed, it may actually have been the name used in the Shire (though more likely in the form Sancha) and, if so, the resemblance to the modern name Sancho would be no more than coincidence.


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 October 2023
  • This entry is complete

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Sancho Proudfoot

Odo Proudfoot’s grandson

Sancho is pronounced 'sa'ncho'


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 October 2023
  • This entry is complete

Sancho Proudfoot

Odo Proudfoot’s grandson

The son of Olo Proudfoot, and grandson of Odo, Sancho was distantly related to Bilbo Baggins: his great-grandmother Linda was one of Bilbo's aunts. At the time of Bilbo's Farewell Party, Sancho was just eleven years old. He was one of the many Hobbits that arrived at Bag End on the day after the Party, where he went searching for Bilbo's fabled gold. In one of Bag End's pantries, he found what he thought was an echo in one of the walls, and had actually started to excavate when Frodo discovered him and put a stop to his treasure-hunt.



Sancho is, of course, a real name, deriving ultimately from the Latin for 'sacred' (perhaps most famously belonging to Sancho Panza, the faithful and long-suffering companion of Don Quixote). That derivation does not seem to fit a Hobbit of the Shire particularly well, and so Sancho's name was perhaps chosen simply because it fit the pattern of his ancestors Olo, Odo, Bodo and so on. Indeed, it may actually have been the name used in the Shire (though more likely in the form Sancha) and, if so, the resemblance to the modern name Sancho would be no more than coincidence.


About this entry:

  • Updated 2 October 2023
  • This entry is complete

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