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Extant at the end of the Third Age
Raised by the Shire-hobbits
Eventually stabled in Bree
Uncertain, but apparently a reference to this pony's acute hearing
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Sharp-earsA pony-name given by Tom BombadilTom Bombadil's name for one of the five ponies brought out of the Shire by Frodo Baggins and his companions. All five had originally belonged to Meriadoc Brandybuck, but if Merry had ever named them, their old names were forgotten when Tom gave them five new ones, including 'Sharp-ears'. After meeting Tom (and, more importantly from their point of view, his own pony Fatty Lumpkin) Sharp-ears and its companions accompanied the Hobbits on to Bree. After an attack in the night there, the ponies bolted, but eventually found their way back to Fatty Lumpkin at the house of Tom Bombadil. Ultimately, Tom passed them on Barliman Butterbur of the Prancing Pony in Bree, from whose stables they had originally escaped. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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