- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
The 'Star' in this name is a reference to the Star of Eärendil, the Elves' name for the planet Venus, whose light it held
Other names
Star-glassThe Phial of GaladrielMore commonly called the Phial of Galadriel, the Star-glass was Galadriel's parting gift to Frodo Baggins when the Company of the Ring departed from Lórien. Made from crystal, it held a shimmering fragment of the light of the evening star suspended in the water of Galadriel's fountain. See also...Eärendil, Evening Star, Galadriel, Mistress of Magic, Star of Eärendil, Three Jewels, Tower-gate For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2000, 2016. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Got a question for us? We are always on hand to help! Why not Tweet us with your queries about Discus or the DISC personality test? |