- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
Primarily Sindar
A reference to the shimmering spray of the waterfall Lanthir Lamath
Other names
Star-sprayThe meaning of Elwing’s nameElwing was the daughter of Dior Eluchíl and Nimloth, born on the Green Isle of Tol Galen in the river Adurant. She was given her name, from the Elvish for 'Star-spray', because of the starlight shimmering in the spray of the waterfall Lanthir Lamath on the night of her birth. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2003, 2016, 2022. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.Personality is one part of understanding a candidate's suitability, but aptitudes and skills are also key. |