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Men first awoke I 1; the people of the Harad are first mentioned in records in III 1015, but evidently long preceded that date
These people lived in the South of Middle-earth
Translated as 'Swarthy Men' (where 'swarthy' is an old word for 'dark-skinned')
Other names
Among the Hobbits of the secluded Shire, the dark-skinned Men of the far south were a people of legend, who rode to war on oliphaunts in stories that the Shire-hobbits only half-believed. They knew these people as the Swertings, a word related to the term 'Swarthy Men' used in the Common Speech (where 'swarthy' is an old word for 'dark-skinned'). In the War of the Ring, the Travellers discovered that the Hobbit-legends were true after all. The Swertings were the southern Men otherwise known as the Haradrim, who rode into battle on the great oliphaunts that they referred to in their own tongue as mûmakil. See also...For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2004, 2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Powerful, professional, affordable - Find to how our DISC personality profile can benefit your business. |