The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Across Eriador, but centred on the land of Eregion
Sauron's invasion of Eriador in quest of the Rings of Power held in Eregion
Fought by Elves and Men against Sauron, one of the Maiar
The Elves of Eregion were primarily of the Noldor; the Men who aided them were Númenóreans
Sauron's main goal was the capture of Ost-in-Edhil in Eregion
Sauron is pronounced 'sow'ron' ('sow' as in English 'now')
Sauron means 'the abhorred'


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 March 2025
  • This entry is complete

War of the Elves and Sauron

The end of Eregion

Map of the events of the War of the Elves and Sauron
(1)Sauron marches from Mordor to Eregion, and lays waste to that land.
(2)An army led by Elrond is driven away to the north, accompanied by the survivors of Eregion. They take refuge in a hidden valley, and thus Imladris (Rivendell) is founded; Elrond and his people are besieged there.
(3)Sauron's western forces advance toward Lindon, reaching the river Lhûn on the borders of that land.
(4)A Númenórean navy sent by Tar-Minastir lands in Lindon and drives Sauron back into Eriador, defeating him in battle at Sarn Ford.
(4)A second Númenórean fleet lands at the mouths of Gwathló and intercepts Sauron's retreating forces at the Battle of the Gwathló, and the defeated Sauron flees back to Mordor.

Solid dark arrows show the routes of Sauron's advance, while the finer dashed arrows show his retreat to Mordor. Elements of this map are conjectural.1

(1)Sauron marches from Mordor to Eregion, and lays waste to that land.
(2)An army led by Elrond is driven away to the north, accompanied by the survivors of Eregion. They take refuge in a hidden valley, and thus Imladris (Rivendell) is founded; Elrond and his people are besieged there.
(3)Sauron's western forces advance toward Lindon, reaching the river Lhûn on the borders of that land.
(4)A Númenórean navy sent by Tar-Minastir lands in Lindon and drives Sauron back into Eriador, defeating him in battle at Sarn Ford.
(4)A second Númenórean fleet lands at the mouths of Gwathló and intercepts Sauron's retreating forces at the Battle of the Gwathló, and the defeated Sauron flees back to Mordor.

Solid dark arrows show the routes of Sauron's advance, while the finer dashed arrows show his retreat to Mordor. Elements of this map are conjectural.1

During the Second Age, Sauron planned to take control of the Elves through the power of his One Ring. In his guise as Annatar, he instructed the Elves of Eregion in the making of Rings of Power, and then secretly constructed a Ruling Ring of his own to enslave the bearers of the Rings. Unknown to him, the Elves had made Three Rings of their own, so that when Sauron took up his own Ring, they understood his intentions and his centuries of planning came to nothing.

What he could not control by subtlety, Sauron resolved to destroy by force, and so began the War of the Elves and Sauron. At first, Sauron's victories came quickly: vast armies emerged from Mordor and, over the next six years, overran Eriador. Eregion was destroyed, and Sauron claimed the remaining Rings of Power (except for the Three Rings, which had been sent far from Eregion at the beginning of the war).

Just as Sauron's victory looked secure, a great navy appeared in the north, carrying the forces of Númenor sent by King Tar-Minastir. The Númenóreans put Sauron's armies to rout, and forced them back out of the Westlands. So Eriador was saved, but Celebrimbor's kingdom of Eregion had been wiped out, and a great many of the Rings of Power had fallen into the hands of Sauron.



There are a number of speculative elements to this map. In particular, while we know the locations of certain key battles and other events, the precise routes taken by the armies involved are unknown, though they must have been close to those shown here.

We know that Eriador was heavily forested during this period, and so the map shows an extensive region of woodland across that entire area, but the absolute extent and boundaries of that ancient forest are not specifically recorded.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 March 2025
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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War of the Elves and Sauron

The end of Eregion

Across Eriador, but centred on the land of Eregion
Sauron's invasion of Eriador in quest of the Rings of Power held in Eregion
Fought by Elves and Men against Sauron, one of the Maiar
The Elves of Eregion were primarily of the Noldor; the Men who aided them were Númenóreans
Sauron's main goal was the capture of Ost-in-Edhil in Eregion
Sauron is pronounced 'sow'ron' ('sow' as in English 'now')
Sauron means 'the abhorred'


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 March 2025
  • This entry is complete

War of the Elves and Sauron

The end of Eregion

Map of the events of the War of the Elves and Sauron
(1)Sauron marches from Mordor to Eregion, and lays waste to that land.
(2)An army led by Elrond is driven away to the north, accompanied by the survivors of Eregion. They take refuge in a hidden valley, and thus Imladris (Rivendell) is founded; Elrond and his people are besieged there.
(3)Sauron's western forces advance toward Lindon, reaching the river Lhûn on the borders of that land.
(4)A Númenórean navy sent by Tar-Minastir lands in Lindon and drives Sauron back into Eriador, defeating him in battle at Sarn Ford.
(4)A second Númenórean fleet lands at the mouths of Gwathló and intercepts Sauron's retreating forces at the Battle of the Gwathló, and the defeated Sauron flees back to Mordor.

Solid dark arrows show the routes of Sauron's advance, while the finer dashed arrows show his retreat to Mordor. Elements of this map are conjectural.1

(1)Sauron marches from Mordor to Eregion, and lays waste to that land.
(2)An army led by Elrond is driven away to the north, accompanied by the survivors of Eregion. They take refuge in a hidden valley, and thus Imladris (Rivendell) is founded; Elrond and his people are besieged there.
(3)Sauron's western forces advance toward Lindon, reaching the river Lhûn on the borders of that land.
(4)A Númenórean navy sent by Tar-Minastir lands in Lindon and drives Sauron back into Eriador, defeating him in battle at Sarn Ford.
(4)A second Númenórean fleet lands at the mouths of Gwathló and intercepts Sauron's retreating forces at the Battle of the Gwathló, and the defeated Sauron flees back to Mordor.

Solid dark arrows show the routes of Sauron's advance, while the finer dashed arrows show his retreat to Mordor. Elements of this map are conjectural.1

During the Second Age, Sauron planned to take control of the Elves through the power of his One Ring. In his guise as Annatar, he instructed the Elves of Eregion in the making of Rings of Power, and then secretly constructed a Ruling Ring of his own to enslave the bearers of the Rings. Unknown to him, the Elves had made Three Rings of their own, so that when Sauron took up his own Ring, they understood his intentions and his centuries of planning came to nothing.

What he could not control by subtlety, Sauron resolved to destroy by force, and so began the War of the Elves and Sauron. At first, Sauron's victories came quickly: vast armies emerged from Mordor and, over the next six years, overran Eriador. Eregion was destroyed, and Sauron claimed the remaining Rings of Power (except for the Three Rings, which had been sent far from Eregion at the beginning of the war).

Just as Sauron's victory looked secure, a great navy appeared in the north, carrying the forces of Númenor sent by King Tar-Minastir. The Númenóreans put Sauron's armies to rout, and forced them back out of the Westlands. So Eriador was saved, but Celebrimbor's kingdom of Eregion had been wiped out, and a great many of the Rings of Power had fallen into the hands of Sauron.



There are a number of speculative elements to this map. In particular, while we know the locations of certain key battles and other events, the precise routes taken by the armies involved are unknown, though they must have been close to those shown here.

We know that Eriador was heavily forested during this period, and so the map shows an extensive region of woodland across that entire area, but the absolute extent and boundaries of that ancient forest are not specifically recorded.


About this entry:

  • Updated 19 March 2025
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2006, 2018, 2025. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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