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Lived after her marriage at Great Smials in the Tookland
ada'manta chu'bb
Adamanta derives from 'adamant', meaning 'diamond'
Indexes: About this entry:
Adamanta ChubbThe wife of Gerontius TookThe wife of Gerontius, the famous Old Took, Adamanta was the mother of twelve children over a period of no less than thirty years. Those twelve children gave rise to many branches of the Took family, and Bilbo, Frodo, Merry and Pippin could all trace their ancestry back to Adamanta through different lines. Two of her sons would become Thain of the Shire: Isengrim, the eldest, and Isumbras. Two others left the Shire on mysterious adventures: these were Hildifons and Isengar (Isengar was the youngest of Adamanta's twelve children). Notes
See also...Chica Chubb, Chubb Family, Hildifons Took, Isembold Took, Sapphira Brockhouse Indexes: About this entry:
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