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III 2790 - III 2920 (1190 - 1320 by the Shire-reckoning, lived 130 years); Thain of the Shire from III 2848 (1248 by the Shire-reckoning; Thain for 72 years)
Great Smials in the Tookland
Gerontius is pronounced 'jero'ntee-us'
Gerontius ultimately comes from Greek geron, 'old man'1
Indexes: About this entry:
Gerontius TookThe famous Shire-thain better known as the Old TookThain of the Shire, famed for his great age, for which reason he was popularly known as the Old Took. Notes
See also...Adamanta Chubb, Adelard Took, Baggins Family, Belladonna Took, Chica Chubb, Esmeralda Took, Everard Took, Flambard Took, Fortinbras Took I, Fortinbras Took II, Gandalf, Gundahad Bolger, Hildibrand Took, Hildifons Took, Hildigard Took, [See the full list...] Indexes: About this entry:
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