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- Seas and oceans
Apparently 'Glorious castle'2
Other names
AlcarondasThe Castle of the SeaThe great ship of Ar-Pharazôn, last King of Númenor. Called the Castle of the Sea, it was golden and black and boasted many masts, and also many oars manned by slaves. In II 3319, defying the warnings of the Valar and the storms sent by Manwë, Ar-Pharazôn placed his throne on the deck of Alcarondas, and led the fleet of the Great Armament out towards the West in defiance of the Ban of the Valar. Ar-Pharazôn had planned to lead his immense fleet against the Powers in Aman, seizing the Undying Lands for himself and so achieving immortality. His plan failed utterly: a chasm opened in the sea and the fleet, including Alcarondas, were drawn down into it and lost for ever. This was the cataclysm that brought about the Downfall of Númenor. Notes
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