A general name for the Valar, and the literal meaning of that Elvish name. The term is sometimes used in a more general sense to include Melkor, who originated as the most powerful of the Ainur, but became a Dark Lord in opposition to the other Powers.
For a detailed list of the Powers, see the entry for the Powers of Arda.
See also...
Alcarondas, Aman, Ancient West, Awakening of Men, Bay of Balar, Bay of Eldamar, Belegurth, Dark Lord, Dimbar, Elves of Lindon, Enemies Beyond the Sea, Evening Star, First War, Great Enemy, Green Mound, [See the full list...]King of the World, Kingdom of Arda, Lord of All, Lord of the West, Lords of the Valar, Máhanaxar, Marrer of Middle-earth, Orbelain, Pass of Light, Power of Terror and of Hate, Power of the Black Land, Power of the North, Powers of Arda, Powers of the World, Queens of the Valar, Rodyn, Silmarillion, Tárion, Tauron, The Farsighted, The Gift, The Mighty, The Smith, Udûn, Valanya, Valaquenta, Valar, Valier, Valmar
About this entry:
- Updated 3 February 2015
- Updates planned: 2
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