- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
An anglicised form of the original Hobbit-name Bophín, said to mean 'one who laughs loudly'
Other names
A prominent family of the Shire, associated with the region of the Yale in the Eastfarthing. Important members include Berylla Boffin, who was an ancestor of both Bilbo and Frodo Baggins, and Folco Boffin, who helped Frodo in his move from Bag End. See also...Adalbert Bolger, Alfrida of the Yale, Baggins Family, Berylla Boffin, Bophîn Family, Bosco Boffin, Buffo Boffin, Daisy Baggins, Druda Burrows, Folco Boffin, Folklands, Goodenough Family, Griffo Boffin, Halfast ‘Hal’ Gamgee, Hugo Boffin, [See the full list...] For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1999, 2000, 2008, 2017. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by myDISCprofile, the free online personality test.How do your personal strengths fit in with career matching? How can you identify them? Try a free personality test from myDISCprofile. |