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BorladOne of the three sons of BórThe so-called Swarthy Men were a populous people of the Easterlings in the later First Age, who crossed the Blue Mountains into Beleriand in the years after the great battle of the Dagor Bragollach. Among these people, one of the greatest chieftains was a Man named Bór, and Bór had three sons: Borlad, Borlach and Borthand. Bór joined his people in allegiance to Maedhros and Maglor, the elder brothers among the seven Sons of Fëanor. At the time Bór and his people travelled into Beleriand, another leader of the Swarthy Men also crossed the mountains from the East. This was the chieftain Ulfang who, like Bór, had three sons: Ulfast, Ulwarth and Uldor. These Easterlings also joined themselves to a force of the Sons of Fëanor, choosing to follow Caranthir the Dark. Maedhros planned revenge against Morgoth for the defeats of the Dagor Bragollach, and allied himself with Elves and Men from across Beleriand to form a vast army. As that army prepared to assault Angband, however, Maedhros found himself delayed, and it would later be seen that this was due to the machinations of Ulfang's people, who were secretly in league with Morgoth. Maedhros and his army did eventually reach the field, with Borlad and his brothers among that force.2 Once there, the sons of Ulfang openly betrayed their supposed lord, turning on their own troops and calling hidden allies down from the eastern hills. Borlad and his brothers, however, remained faithful to the Elves. Together they slew Ulfast and Ulwarth, before all three were slain themselves in the dreadful defeat that became known as Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Unnumbered Tears. Notes
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