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Associated with the Bolgers
Budge- is somewhat obscure, but seems to derive in part from 'Bolger'2; -ford refers to the village's location at a ford across the Water
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BudgefordA town of the Shire’s Eastfarthing![]() Slightly conjectural3
Slightly conjectural3
A settlement in the eastern part of the Shire, so close to the Brandywine Bridge that it fell in the district known as Bridgefields. It lay on the tributary of the Brandywine known simply as the Water. The 'ford' in its name apparently derives from a ford across this stream (though the 'Budge' element is obscure, and intentionally so, according to Tolkien). The town of Budgeford was the seat of the Bolgers, an important family among the Shire-hobbits. Notes
See also...Adaldrida Bolger, Adalgar Bolger, Belba Baggins, Bolger Family, Bridgefields, Eastfarthing of the Shire, Folklands, Gundabald Bolger, Gundolpho Bolger, Ruby Bolger, Water-valley Indexes: About this entry:
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