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Probably removed to Buckland after her marriage to Marmadoc Brandybuck
ada'ldreeda bo'ljer
From Germanic adal 'noble' and (perhaps) þryð 'strength'
Indexes: About this entry:
Adaldrida BolgerThe mother of Gorbadoc Brandybuck
A member of the Bolger family of Budgeford, who married into the line of the Masters of Buckland when she wedded Marmadoc Brandybuck. Aldadrida and Marmadoc had four children: Gorbadoc (who later became Master of Buckland himself), two unnamed daughters, and a younger son named Orgulas. The The Lord of the Rings tells us nothing of Adaldrida's own descent, but the family trees in volume XII of The History of Middle-earth show that she was the daughter of one Gundahar Bolger, who was also a distant ancestor of Fredegar, or 'Fatty', Bolger. See also...Dina Diggle, Gundahar Bolger, Marmadoc Brandybuck ‘the Masterful’, Masterful Indexes: About this entry:
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