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Dated back to no earlier than III 19001
The known Captains both descended from the House of Húrin2
Associated with Minas Tirith
The White Tower contained the throne room of Gondor, associating this captain with the guard of the King or Steward
Other names
Possibly synonymous with the titles Captain of Gondor or High Warden of the White Tower3
Title of
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Captain of the White TowerCommander of the forces of Minas Tirith
The two recorded Captains of the White Tower (shown here in bold text) were the sons of Steward Denethor II. After Boromir left Gondor to search for Imladris, the title passed to his younger brother Faramir, implying that it was typically held by the heirs of the Ruling Steward. The two recorded Captains of the White Tower (shown here in bold text) were the sons of Steward Denethor II. After Boromir left Gondor to search for Imladris, the title passed to his younger brother Faramir, implying that it was typically held by the heirs of the Ruling Steward. The title given to the leader of the military forces of Minas Tirith. In the years leading to the end of the Third Age, the title was held by Boromir, elder son of Steward Denethor. After Boromir went north to seek Imladris and ultimately join the Fellowship of the Ring, the role of Captain fell on his younger brother Faramir. The fact that the Captaincy transferred from Boromir to his brother Faramir implies that it was traditionally taken by the heir of the Ruling Steward, but we have no earlier historical references to confim this. Though the title referred to the White Tower in the Citadel of Minas Tirith, the Captain clearly held command over the soldiers of Minas Tirith, and perhaps farther afield. There are indication that it may have been equivalent to the title 'Captain of Gondor', suggesting that the Captain held overall command of Gondor's military forces, or at least those in direct service to the Steward.4 Notes
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