It should be said that it is not completely clear which of the members of the Host of the West constituted its Captains. There is no doubt, however, over the inclusion of Aragorn, the Captain of the Host of the West, nor over Éomer or Imrahil, who each led forces of their own. Gandalf did not formally command any Men of his own, but nonetheless his obvious authority and wisdom must surely have placed him among the Captains too.
The situation is less clear-cut for Legolas and Gimli, who represented their peoples and were high in the counsels of the Captains, and so likely qualified for inclusion, though they led no forces of their own. Peregrin Took was also the sole representative of his people within the Host, and indeed was known as the Prince of the Halflings among the Gondorians, but played no direct part in the leadership of the army.
There were other members of the Host whose roles were even less clear: Elladan and Elrohir of Rivendell accompanied the force, for example, and doubtless other lords of Gondor led their own Men as part of the army. Whether any of these would be individually considered among the Captains of the West is an open question.