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A guard in the service of the House of Eorl
Théoden is pronounced approximately 'thayo'den'
A 'doorward' is one who guards a door; Théoden means 'ruler' or 'leader of the people'
Title of
Háma,1 at the time of the War of the Ring
Indexes: About this entry:
Doorward of ThéodenGuardian of the Golden HallThe captain of the King's Riders, the personal bodyguard of the King of Rohan, tasked with protecting the Lord of the Mark and holding the doors of Meduseld when the King was within his Golden Hall. At the time of the War of the Ring the holder of this post was Háma, who admitted Gandalf and his companions into Meduseld and thus helped to bring about the healing of his lord Théoden. When Théoden rode to war, his Doorward Háma rode with him, and fell at the Battle of the Hornburg. Notes
See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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