- Cities and buildings
- Fields, plains and deserts
- Forests
- Hills and mountains
- Islands and promontories
- Lands, realms and regions
- Rivers and lakes
- Seas and oceans
Originally widespread, with populations in Beleriand and Númenor; by the end of the Third Age, they were apparently restricted to the Drúadan Forest and Drúwaith Iaur
'Wild (ones)'
Other names
Drû, Drû-folk, Drúedain, Drughu, Drûg-folk, Drûgs, Drúin, Oghor-hai, Púkel-men, Rógin, Rú, Rúatani, Wild Men of the Woods, Woses
Drúath is a plural term: an individual member of this people would be known as a Drû
DrúathA name for the DrúedainA term for the secretive people known variously as Drúedain, Púkel-men, Woses, and many other names besides. Drúath is an earlier form of their name in Sindarin, modified to Drúedain as long ago as the First Age, after it was discovered that these people were enemies of the Orcs.1 By the Third Age, the Drúath had dwindled to a fraction of their former numbers, surviving in the woodland known as the Drúadan Forest beneath the White Mountains. Legends said that other secret colonies still existed in their old homeland of Drúwaith Iaur far to the west, and indeed these legends were found to be true in the time after the War of the Ring. Notes
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