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About this entry:

  • Updated 15 July 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

Eldar of Hithlum

The Elves of the misty North

The mist-shrouded land of Hithlum lay northward of Beleriand, fenced around by the tall mountains of Ered Wethrin. During the long ages of starlight before the making of the Sun, the Sindar had spread throughout Beleriand and some crossed northward over the Mountains of Shadow. These Grey-elves settled especially in the southeastern region of Hithlum, the land known as Mithrim.

After the Darkening of Valinor, the princes of the Noldor led their people back from Aman into Middle-earth, and their first camps were made in Mithrim. These Noldor spread across the lands northward and eastward of Beleriand, but their High King, Fingolfin, chose Hithlum as his seat. At Eithel Sirion, the springs of the river Sirion on Hithlum's eastern flanks, he built the tower of Barad Eithel to watch over Morgoth's stronghold of Angband far to the North.

The Sindar in different parts of Beleriand did not all welcome the coming of the Noldor, but in Hithlum and its neighbouring regions these two branches of the Eldar mixed on comparatively friendly terms. They lived together in relative peace for nearly five centuries, and were joined by Edain of the House of Hador. These were Men from out of the East who settled alongside the Eldar of Hithlum, especially in the southwestern region known as Dor-lómin.

This time of relative peace came to an end with the great battle known as Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The Eldar and Edain joined from far and wide to challenge the power of Morgoth, and a great army was arrayed under the shadows of Hithlum's eastern mountains. The Eldar fought Morgoth to the brink of defeat, but through his machinations the Dark Lord was able to turn the tide and win the day. Thus the Elves of Hithlum and their allies were utterly defeated and their armies swept away.

After the Nirnaeth, Morgoth occupied Hithlum and granted it to the Easterlings who had served him the war. Of the Eldar, many were left to wander in the wilds, fleeing from the land if they could, while many others were captured and taken away to Angband to labour in Morgoth's mines. Nonetheless a remnant the Eldar survived in Hithlum for some years,1 but ultimately the land fell entirely under the yoke of Morgoth.



The Nirnaeth Arnoediad was fought in the year I 472, and we hear of survivors in Mithrim (specifically, Annael and his people) as late as I 488. So the last Eldar of Hithlum persisted for at least sixteen years after the great battle. Annael's band is implied to be among the last survivors, and we have no record of any others of the Eldar remaining in Hithlum after this date.


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 July 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

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Eldar of Hithlum

The Elves of the misty North


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 July 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

Eldar of Hithlum

The Elves of the misty North

The mist-shrouded land of Hithlum lay northward of Beleriand, fenced around by the tall mountains of Ered Wethrin. During the long ages of starlight before the making of the Sun, the Sindar had spread throughout Beleriand and some crossed northward over the Mountains of Shadow. These Grey-elves settled especially in the southeastern region of Hithlum, the land known as Mithrim.

After the Darkening of Valinor, the princes of the Noldor led their people back from Aman into Middle-earth, and their first camps were made in Mithrim. These Noldor spread across the lands northward and eastward of Beleriand, but their High King, Fingolfin, chose Hithlum as his seat. At Eithel Sirion, the springs of the river Sirion on Hithlum's eastern flanks, he built the tower of Barad Eithel to watch over Morgoth's stronghold of Angband far to the North.

The Sindar in different parts of Beleriand did not all welcome the coming of the Noldor, but in Hithlum and its neighbouring regions these two branches of the Eldar mixed on comparatively friendly terms. They lived together in relative peace for nearly five centuries, and were joined by Edain of the House of Hador. These were Men from out of the East who settled alongside the Eldar of Hithlum, especially in the southwestern region known as Dor-lómin.

This time of relative peace came to an end with the great battle known as Nirnaeth Arnoediad. The Eldar and Edain joined from far and wide to challenge the power of Morgoth, and a great army was arrayed under the shadows of Hithlum's eastern mountains. The Eldar fought Morgoth to the brink of defeat, but through his machinations the Dark Lord was able to turn the tide and win the day. Thus the Elves of Hithlum and their allies were utterly defeated and their armies swept away.

After the Nirnaeth, Morgoth occupied Hithlum and granted it to the Easterlings who had served him the war. Of the Eldar, many were left to wander in the wilds, fleeing from the land if they could, while many others were captured and taken away to Angband to labour in Morgoth's mines. Nonetheless a remnant the Eldar survived in Hithlum for some years,1 but ultimately the land fell entirely under the yoke of Morgoth.



The Nirnaeth Arnoediad was fought in the year I 472, and we hear of survivors in Mithrim (specifically, Annael and his people) as late as I 488. So the last Eldar of Hithlum persisted for at least sixteen years after the great battle. Annael's band is implied to be among the last survivors, and we have no record of any others of the Eldar remaining in Hithlum after this date.


About this entry:

  • Updated 15 July 2021
  • Updates planned: 1

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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