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The first Eldar awoke some three ages (very roughly 4,300 years) before the first rising of the Sun
Awoke at Cuiviénen and journeyed across Middle-earth, with many crossing the Great Sea into the West; the greater part of the Noldor later returned to Middle-earth
Those Elves who chose to set out on the Great Journey
e'ldarr ('rr' indicates that the final 'r' sound should be pronounced)
Other names
The name Eldar originally included all Elves, but later came to be used for those who set out on the Great Journey; it is in the latter more specific sense that the term is discussed here
EldarThe Elves of the Great JourneyThe name given to the Elves by the Vala Oromë when he first found them wandering in the starlight of Cuiviénen. At first, the name was applied to all Elves, but after the summons of the Valar, it came to be used only of the peoples who followed the summons and began the Great Journey. The Three Kindreds of the Eldar were the Vanyar, the Noldor and the Teleri. All of the Vanyar and Noldor went to Aman (though many of the Noldor later returned to Middle-earth with Fëanor). Many of the Teleri also journeyed to Valinor, but twice a host of this people turned away from the Journey as they crossed Middle-earth; these two kindreds are called Úmanyar, the Eldar not of Aman. The first of these were the Nandor, who turned aside east of the Misty Mountains, and travelled down the Great River Anduin. The second, the Sindar, tarried in Beleriand seeking their lord, Elwë Singollo. See also...Aldudénië, Aman, Amlach, Ancient Tongue, Ancient West, Araw, Astar, Atanatári, Awakening of Men, Balan, Barahir, Battle of Unnumbered Tears, Battle-under-Stars, Bay of Eldanna, Bent World, [See the full list...] For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2004. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.The powerful, accurate, cost-effective DISC personality test developed and improved for 31 years. |