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Ever-summerThe evergreen tree known as oiolairëA fragrant evergreen tree whose name 'Ever-summer' was a translation of the original Elvish oiolairë. The boughs of this tree thrived on sea air, and the Elves had a tradition of binding boughs of Ever-summer to the prows of their ships in token of friendship with the Maiar of the Sea. The Eldar made a gift of the tree to the Númenóreans, and in Númenor it flourished on the seaward western slopes around Eldalondë. The Númenóreans adopted the tradition of the Elves, and their vessels left port bearing a Green Bough of Return. This was a bough of Ever-summer, usually placed by a woman of the captain's family, that was said to bless the ship and bring good fortune in its voyages. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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