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'The fair (people)' (referring to the lightness of this people's hair)
Other names
Vanyar is a plural term; the singular form is Vanya, and the adjective for these people is Vanyarin
VanyarThe People of IngwëThe first of the Elves to make the great march westwards from Cuiviénen to Valinor, and accounted the highest of the High Elves. Their leader, Ingwë, bears the title High King of the Elves, and dwells on Taniquetil beneath the halls of Manwë. All of the Vanyar journeyed to Valinor long before the first rising of the Sun, and remained there. For this reason, they are not mentioned often in the histories of Middle-earth. See also...Aldudénië, Aman, Amanyar, Amarië, Anar, Ancient Speech, Ancient Tongue, Calaquendi, Eglador, Eldar, Eldar of Eressëa, Eldar of the West, Eldar of Valinor, Elemmírë, Elendë, [See the full list...] For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001, 2004. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Discus questionnaires work on the screen or in printed form to suit your needs, in any of dozens of languages. |