The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Emerged during the reign of King Tar-Atanamir in Númenor (II 2029 - II 2251);1 Númenor was destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
Followers of the Kings descended from the House of Elros
The seat of the Kings of Númenor was at Armenelos
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 December 2021
  • This entry is complete

King’s Party

Those who turned against the Valar

A political movement in the later history of Númenor, more commonly known as the King's Men, who advocated an abandonment of the influence of the Eldar and Valar in the affairs of the Númenóreans. This group seems to have emerged during the reign of Tar-Atanamir the thirteenth King of Númenor, but they are first named in annals during the rule of his heir Tar-Ancalimon. Their power was consolidated under Ar-Adûnakhôr the twentieth King, who went so far as to ban the use of Elvish languages (and took his own name in the native Adûnaic tongue of Númenor).

The King's Party continued to gain power until Tar-Palantir took the throne. He attempted to reverse the policies of the preceding Kings and return to Númenor's ancient friendship with the Elves. Nonetheless, the King's Party continued to operate during his reign (opposing the King, despite the party's name) under the leadership of Tar-Palantir's brother Gimilkhâd. On Tar-Palantir's death, Gimilkhâd's son seized the throne as Ar-Pharazôn. Ar-Pharazôn was the last of the Kings, taking his defiance to the point of an armed invasion of Aman, an act that brought about the Downfall of Númenor.



We have no specific date for the formation of the King's Party. Rather, the isolationist philosophy of the faction developed under the rule of King Tar-Atanamir (II 2029 - II 2251) and became more formalised under his successor Tar-Ancalimon (II 2251 - II 2386). It was during Tar-Ancalimon's rule that the term 'King's Men' was first used. The alternative name 'King's Party' is not in fact recorded until much later, in a reference to the reign of Tar-Palantir (II 3177 - II 3255), though it is clear that the terms 'King's Men' and 'King's Party' refer interchangeably to the same political group.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 December 2021
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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King’s Party

Those who turned against the Valar

Emerged during the reign of King Tar-Atanamir in Númenor (II 2029 - II 2251);1 Númenor was destroyed in the Downfall of II 3319
Followers of the Kings descended from the House of Elros
The seat of the Kings of Númenor was at Armenelos
Other names


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 December 2021
  • This entry is complete

King’s Party

Those who turned against the Valar

A political movement in the later history of Númenor, more commonly known as the King's Men, who advocated an abandonment of the influence of the Eldar and Valar in the affairs of the Númenóreans. This group seems to have emerged during the reign of Tar-Atanamir the thirteenth King of Númenor, but they are first named in annals during the rule of his heir Tar-Ancalimon. Their power was consolidated under Ar-Adûnakhôr the twentieth King, who went so far as to ban the use of Elvish languages (and took his own name in the native Adûnaic tongue of Númenor).

The King's Party continued to gain power until Tar-Palantir took the throne. He attempted to reverse the policies of the preceding Kings and return to Númenor's ancient friendship with the Elves. Nonetheless, the King's Party continued to operate during his reign (opposing the King, despite the party's name) under the leadership of Tar-Palantir's brother Gimilkhâd. On Tar-Palantir's death, Gimilkhâd's son seized the throne as Ar-Pharazôn. Ar-Pharazôn was the last of the Kings, taking his defiance to the point of an armed invasion of Aman, an act that brought about the Downfall of Númenor.



We have no specific date for the formation of the King's Party. Rather, the isolationist philosophy of the faction developed under the rule of King Tar-Atanamir (II 2029 - II 2251) and became more formalised under his successor Tar-Ancalimon (II 2251 - II 2386). It was during Tar-Ancalimon's rule that the term 'King's Men' was first used. The alternative name 'King's Party' is not in fact recorded until much later, in a reference to the reign of Tar-Palantir (II 3177 - II 3255), though it is clear that the terms 'King's Men' and 'King's Party' refer interchangeably to the same political group.


About this entry:

  • Updated 21 December 2021
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2014, 2021. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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