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ta'rr-anka'limon ('rr' indicates that the final r sound of 'Tar' should be distinctly pronounced)
Tar signifies 'King'; Ancalimon is almost certainly 'bright (one)' or possibly 'great brightness'2
Other names
Tar-AncalimonFourteenth King of Númenor
In the time of Tar-Ancalimon's father Tar-Atanamir, and of his grandfather Tar-Ciryatan, the Númenóreans had begun to turn against the Valar and the Eldar, and take pride in their own strength and wealth. Tar-Ancalimon continued down this path, and the histories of Númenor record that the division of the Númenóreans began in earnest during his reign. Politically, the realm became split between two parties, the King's Men, who followed Tar-Ancalimon's policies, and the Elendili, who favoured continued friendship with the Eldar. For the next millennium, Númenor's history was bound up with the dissent between these two parties, and ultimately the King's Men were to help bring about its destruction. That lay in the far future, though: during his reign, Tar-Ancalimon turned away from the traditions of the past. He discontinued the dedication to Eru, which had taken place at the Meneltarma in the middle of the island. The tradition of the taking of the Kings' names in Elvish he maintained, though, partly through fear of ill-fortune. This is perhaps because of a dark omen of Tar-Ancalimon's reign: the Eagles of Manwë, who had nested in the tower of the King's palace at Armenelos since Númenor's founding, left their eyrie and never returned. Tar-Ancalimon died as he had lived, clinging to the last vestiges of life as his father had before him. He was succeeded by his son Tar-Telemmaitë, a man greedy for riches and silver, who followed in all the ways of his father. Notes
See also...Ancalimon, Hallow of Eru, Haven of Umbar, King of Númenor, King’s Men, King’s Party, Tar-Telemmaitë For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1997-2000. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.Explore team dynamics, relationships, leadership and more with Discus team-building. |