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Made during the Years of the Trees; brought to Middle-earth after the Downfall of Númenor in II 3319; taken back into the West III 3021
Made by Fëanor
Elendil means 'Elf-friend'
Other names
Indexes: About this entry:
Elendil StoneThe Seeing-stone of the Tower HillsThe Palantíri of Middle-earth One of the seven palantíri brought to Middle-earth by Elendil, this Stone was held in the tower of Elostirion among the Tower Hills. Unlike the other six Stones, the Elendil Stone could not be used to communicate with other palantíri, or to observe events in Middle-earth. Instead, it was set to gaze westward across the Great Sea, and through that Stone Elendil or his Heirs could see to the Undying Lands, as far as the haven of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa. The Elendil Stone remained in place until the end of the Third Age; after the close of that Age it was carried back across the Sea aboard the White Ship. See also...Elendil, Elf-towers, Elostirion, Elves of Lindon, Palantíri, Seeing-stone of Emyn Beraid, Seeing-stones, Seven Seeing Stones, Seven Stones, Stones of Arnor, The Towers, Tower Hills Indexes: About this entry:
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