The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Formed in the destruction of the Lamp Illuin in very ancient times; used to transport the Eldar to Aman three ages before the Darkening of Valinor, after which it remained in the Undying Lands
Originally in the middle of the Great Sea, but eventually anchored off the eastern coast of Aman
to'l ere'sse-a
'Lonely island'1
Other names
This island's name is often shortened to just 'Eressëa'


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 December 2001
  • Updates planned: 7

Tol Eressëa

The Lonely Isle

The Lonely Isle of the Elves of Aman, on which Ulmo brought the Elves to Valinor long ages before the rising of the Sun and Moon, and on which many still dwell within sight of the Blessed Realm.



The meaning of Eressëa's name, 'lonely island', comes from the later part of its history, after it was anchored alone in the Bay of Eldamar.


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 December 2001
  • Updates planned: 7

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Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Tol Eressëa

The Lonely Isle

Formed in the destruction of the Lamp Illuin in very ancient times; used to transport the Eldar to Aman three ages before the Darkening of Valinor, after which it remained in the Undying Lands
Originally in the middle of the Great Sea, but eventually anchored off the eastern coast of Aman
to'l ere'sse-a
'Lonely island'1
Other names
This island's name is often shortened to just 'Eressëa'


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 December 2001
  • Updates planned: 7

Tol Eressëa

The Lonely Isle

The Lonely Isle of the Elves of Aman, on which Ulmo brought the Elves to Valinor long ages before the rising of the Sun and Moon, and on which many still dwell within sight of the Blessed Realm.



The meaning of Eressëa's name, 'lonely island', comes from the later part of its history, after it was anchored alone in the Bay of Eldamar.


About this entry:

  • Updated 28 December 2001
  • Updates planned: 7

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 1998, 2001. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Discus from Axiom Software Ltd.
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