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Brought to Númenor in the earlier Second Age; lost (east of the Undying Lands) after the Downfall of II 3319
A tree out of Tol Eressëa
lairelo'sseh (ai to rhyme with English 'eye')
'Summer snow'
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LairelossëOne of the Fragrant TreesOne of the trees brought to Númenor out of Tol Eressëa, and planted around the haven of Eldalondë on Númenor's western coasts. Lairelossë was one of the trees that filled the airs around Eldalondë with delightful aromas, giving that region its name of Nisimaldar, the Fragrant Trees. Little is known about lairelossë itself beyond its name, which means 'summer snow', perhaps implying that it bore white blossom during the summer. See also...Indexes: About this entry:
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