The Encyclopedia of Arda - an interactive guide to the world of J.R.R. Tolkien
Made during the Years of the Trees; carried to Middle-earth II 3319; lost in Anduin III 1437
Housed beneath the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath
Made by Fëanor
Made by an Elf, but used by Men
The rightful users of the Stones of Seeing were descendants of the House of Elendil and their appointees
Other names
Not to confused with the very similarly named Masterstone, held in the Tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2024
  • This entry is complete

Master Stone

The palantír of Osgiliath

Map showing the location of the Master Stone of Osgiliath

The disposition of three of the four Stones of Gondor before the loss of the Master Stone in III 1437. (The fourth of Gondor's Stones was held in Orthanc, far to the north and west of the area shown here.)

The disposition of three of the four Stones of Gondor before the loss of the Master Stone in III 1437. (The fourth of Gondor's Stones was held in Orthanc, far to the north and west of the area shown here.)

The Palantíri of Middle-earth

The great Seeing-stone that stood beneath the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath. It was the chief of the palantíri of Middle-earth, and had power over the other Stones (it is known, for example, that it had the unique ability to observe conversations between the users of other palantíri). When Osgiliath was besieged by Castamir in III 1437, the Tower that held the Stone of Osgiliath was broken, and the Master Stone was lost in the Anduin.

There is some confusion over the term 'Master Stone', because there are references to another palantír variously known as the 'Masterstone' or 'Master-stone', held in the Tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa. The implication of this is uncertain, but it appears that the Master Stone of Osgiliath had power only over the other six palantíri of Middle-earth, and not those that still existed in the West.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2024
  • This entry is complete

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The Encyclopedia of Arda
The Encyclopedia of Arda
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Master Stone

The palantír of Osgiliath

Made during the Years of the Trees; carried to Middle-earth II 3319; lost in Anduin III 1437
Housed beneath the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath
Made by Fëanor
Made by an Elf, but used by Men
The rightful users of the Stones of Seeing were descendants of the House of Elendil and their appointees
Other names
Not to confused with the very similarly named Masterstone, held in the Tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2024
  • This entry is complete

Master Stone

The palantír of Osgiliath

Map showing the location of the Master Stone of Osgiliath

The disposition of three of the four Stones of Gondor before the loss of the Master Stone in III 1437. (The fourth of Gondor's Stones was held in Orthanc, far to the north and west of the area shown here.)

The disposition of three of the four Stones of Gondor before the loss of the Master Stone in III 1437. (The fourth of Gondor's Stones was held in Orthanc, far to the north and west of the area shown here.)

The Palantíri of Middle-earth

The great Seeing-stone that stood beneath the Dome of Stars in Osgiliath. It was the chief of the palantíri of Middle-earth, and had power over the other Stones (it is known, for example, that it had the unique ability to observe conversations between the users of other palantíri). When Osgiliath was besieged by Castamir in III 1437, the Tower that held the Stone of Osgiliath was broken, and the Master Stone was lost in the Anduin.

There is some confusion over the term 'Master Stone', because there are references to another palantír variously known as the 'Masterstone' or 'Master-stone', held in the Tower of Avallónë on Tol Eressëa. The implication of this is uncertain, but it appears that the Master Stone of Osgiliath had power only over the other six palantíri of Middle-earth, and not those that still existed in the West.


About this entry:

  • Updated 5 May 2024
  • This entry is complete

For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page.

Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2009, 2024. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ.

Website services kindly sponsored by Axiom Discovery aptitude and skill testing.
Axiom Discovery gives you comprehensive online aptitude testing covering core skills across a wide range of disciplines.