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Created by Fëanor during the Years of the Trees
The Tower of Avallónë on the island of Tol Eressëa
Other names
Variously spelt 'Masterstone' or 'Master-stone'
The Masterstone of Tol Eressëa is not to be confused with the Stone of Osgiliath in Middle-earth, which was known as the 'Master Stone'
MasterstoneThe palantír in the Tower of AvallónëThe chief of all the palantíri, both in Aman and Middle-earth, which was held in the Tower of Avallónë on the Lonely Isle of Tol Eressëa. It was said that the Seeing-stone in Elostirion in the Tower Hills could be used to look back along the Straight Road and glimpse the Masterstone's Tower. The Stone of Avallónë is variously named the 'Masterstone' or 'Master-stone'. Confusingly, there was also a 'Master Stone', the palantír of Osgiliath, but this was a lesser Stone than the Masterstone in Avallónë, having power only over other palantíri in Middle-earth. See also...Dome of Osgiliath, Master Stone, Seeing-stones, Tower of Avallónë For acknowledgements and references, see the Disclaimer & Bibliography page. Original content © copyright Mark Fisher 2004, 2023. All rights reserved. For conditions of reuse, see the Site FAQ. Website services kindly sponsored by myDISCprofile, the free online personality test.How do your personal strengths fit in with career matching? How can you identify them? Try a free personality test from myDISCprofile. |