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Probably planted in late III 3019 (1419 by the Shire-reckoning);1 first flowered 6 April III 3020 (S.R. 1420), and survived for many years afterwards
Grew from a silver seed, the gift of Galadriel to Samwise Gamgee
Named for the golden colour of its leaves and flowers
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During the Quest of Mount Doom, the gardener Samwise Gamgee received the gift of a silver nut from the Lady Galadriel of Lórien. This was the seed of a mallorn tree, an ancient lineage whose progenitors had grown in Númenor, and before that on the isle of Tol Eressëa. Seeds of these trees came to Middle-earth as gifts to Gil-galad during the Second Age, but only in Galadriel's land of Lórien had they successfully taken root and grown into full trees.3 After the War of the Ring, however, a single mallorn tree could be found far beyond the woods of Lórien. During the brief rule of Sharkey over the Shire, the famous Party Tree beneath Bag End had been cut down, and Sam chose to plant his silver seed in its place. It quickly grew into the Golden Tree, one of the most magnificent mellyrn in Middle-earth, silver-barked and golden-leafed, and the only one of its kind to be found beyond the bounds of Lórien. Notes
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