The date of Sam's birthday is not certain. This date is given in Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings as the date of celebrations on the Party Field in Hobbiton. One explanation is that this was Sam's birthday, but an alternative reason is that this is also the date of the Elvish new year (called Yestarë). It is possible, of course, that both explanations are correct, and Sam happened to have been born on this auspicious day.
Earlier versions of the Tale of Years carried an error for Sam's date of birth, giving it as III 2983 rather than S.R.1380 (that is III 2980), the date long established by his genealogical tree. In more recent editions of The Lord of the Rings, this error has been corrected.
The date of Sam's birthday is not certain. This date is given in Appendix D of The Lord of the Rings as the date of celebrations on the Party Field in Hobbiton. One explanation is that this was Sam's birthday, but an alternative reason is that this is also the date of the Elvish new year (called Yestarë). It is possible, of course, that both explanations are correct, and Sam happened to have been born on this auspicious day.
Earlier versions of the Tale of Years carried an error for Sam's date of birth, giving it as III 2983 rather than S.R.1380 (that is III 2980), the date long established by his genealogical tree. In more recent editions of The Lord of the Rings, this error has been corrected.