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Various trees of the genus Larix
From the Latin place-name Larignum1
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LarchesTrees of moor and mountainside"Here Spring was already busy about them: fronds pierced moss and mould, larches were green-fingered,..."
The Two Towers IV 4
Of Herbs and Stewed Rabbit Tall coniferous trees with spreading horizontal branches most commonly seen in cooler climates, or in highland regions. They were noted as growing in the rocky heather-covered heights of the Northland moors of Númenor, but they were also to be found in Middle-earth. Larches were discovered among the many varieties of trees and shrubs found in Ithilien by Frodo Baggins and Sam Gamgee. These trees are deciduous, dropping their needle-like leaves in winter and regrowing them the following year, and because Frodo and Sam travelled through Ithilien in Spring, they saw the first green shoots of the larches' new leaves beginning to appear. Notes
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